Two weeks ago I gave notice. Today was my last day working at Amazon. It was also my third year anniversary of when I joined the company. It was time. It’s a hit financially, but a necessary one; I need a break from the long hours and the stress that goes along with any IT job. My health and my psyche was beginning to suffer. And I think my family will benefit from having me at home, to help Kai with school, to make healthy meals and do all the business of taking care of the house and the people who live in it. It’s a luxury to be able to quit, and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to try it and see how things go. In six months, we’ll reassess and see if this is working, or whether I need to find another job. But that’s six months to get my health back in line, to feed my family tasty home-cooked meals, and to spend summer vacation with Kai.
Today I drove into Seattle and dropped off my computer and my card key. It was an odd feeling walking out of the building, of knowing I no longer belong there. Lighter, but a bit scary, too.
I’m not sure what comes next. I have some plans about getting the house in order, and taking better care of my body. I’m trying to be okay with ambiguity, and not fall into my usual trap of filling up every spare moment trying to be productive. I’ve forgotten how to relax. It’s time to relearn how to face a weekend with nothing at all planned.
In the meantime, I’ve been spinning. This is 4 ounces of Blue Faced Leicester (BFL) wool that was dyed by Frabjous Fibers in the color #121 Hespera.
Like me, I have no idea what it’s going to be, but I feel it has potential.