What’s up with the WeaveZine website?

WeaveZine LogoIt’s not dead, just pining for the fjords…. WeaveZine was down for about a week recently and I’ve been asked questions about that.

I was moving WeaveZine to a new host, and making some improvements to the site at the same time. There was a snafu with the DNS switch-over and the site was offline for 6-ish days, instead of the planned 48 hours.

Sorry about that. The good news is that the site is back up and stable. It’s easier than ever to navigate, and is more protected from spammers.

I think I even managed all the changes without breaking any links. If that’s not true, tell me which link is broken and I’ll set up a redirect to fix it.

This move makes WeaveZine cheaper to keep online and easy to maintain as an archive site. I made the change so I could keep this content online for the foreseeable future.

I’m proud of what WeaveZine was and of all the work the authors put into the content. Re-reading the articles as part of this update got me inspired to weave all over again.

Happy to keep the archives online for both you and me.

And I’m glad to learn that people are still finding the content useful. That’s really cool to hear four years after the magazine ended publication.

Happy Weaving!


9 thoughts on “What’s up with the WeaveZine website?

  1. That’s for maintaining your site. It’s all valuable information that is worth while preserving. I have read a couple nice articles from here of interest to me currently. Something for everyone who weaves, so “keep on keeping on”. 🙂

  2. Thank you, Syne! I tried accessing the site last week and felt so bad when I thought it had gone dormant. I refer students to it often.

  3. I was looking for the Spa-Style Wash Cloth pattern while the old site was down, and was excited to see this post. Is there a way to search for specifics on the new site? Or link it its new spot on its Ravelry page (since the old site is the current link)?

    • That sounds like an interesting idea. Do you have an article to submit. I don’t have time to do the full editing / image work that I used to do, but we might be able to work something out, perhaps a community-contribution section.

Please share your thoughts: I enjoy your comments and feedback!