I was browsing around online as I sometimes do, and look what I stumbled across. The Sept-Oct edition of Handwoven is on sale, with my eTextile project mentioned on the cover! How cool is that?
(BTW, the garment pictured is Tien Chiu’s Kodachrome jacket, isn’t it lovely?)
I’m excited about my article because (a) eTextiles in Handwoven! How cool is that? and (b) they had the garment modeled by the beautiful lady on the cover. I’ve been hoping for a while that Handwoven would feature more models on the cover and in articles, so this issue delights me about three ways to Sunday. One of the articles that I can’t wait to read is the project notes on Cheri Bridges’ winning entry “Long Vest in Twill Blocks” I had the pleasure of seeing this piece up close at the Seattle Weaver’s Guild fashion show and it’s absolutely gorgeous.